Asymmetry of the male chest develops when both of the chest are not equal in size, that means one chest is bigger than the other or a individual presents with different grades of gynecomastia. In men, gynecomastia involves both chest but in certain cases both the chest may have different grades of gynecomastia.
Unilateral gynecomastia occurs when only one breast is larger due to gynecomastia, while the other chest is normal in both size and shape. This may be due to over development or over stimulation of one sided chest may be because of the sports activity or over activity of that hand like playing tennis.
Bilateral Asymmetry occurs when gynecomastia is present in both chest , but different degree of gynecomastia . The amount of glandular tissue and its consistency may affect the size and shape of the gynecomastia and due to enlarged glandular tissue the nipple areolar complex may also look down ,
Unequal or asymmetrical gynecomastia is not an uncommon condition. It may present as an enlargement of the chest and also along with side chest fat , also called as side boobs or fat below the axillae . Asymmetrical Gynecomastia is usually seen as a long standing gynecomastia . Individuals who suffer from severe one sided unilateral gynecomastia devlop psychological effects and social anxiety and embarrassment .The large, and unequal chest in men may also results in loss of interest in intimate and personal relationships. Men who develop even mild cases of gynecomastia can suffer from low self-esteem, as well as depression.
Treatment for Unequal or Asymmetrical Gynecomastia
As always said either accept your gynecomastia and live with it or get it operated by a experienced plastic surgeon. The treatment of asymmetrical or unequal gynecomastia is always surgical that is Vaser Liposuction and glandular excision . Either both the chest or a single chest is treated depending upon the individual case .