Gynecomastia Surgery in Kanpur - Doctor , Affordable Cost & Result

Gynecomastia, also known as man boobs, occurs when a man’s breast tissue grows larger than usual, often extending beyond the nipple. This can happen due to a decrease in male hormones or an increase in female hormones, which may occur as men age or take certain medications like steroids. This condition commonly affects teenage boys or older men. 


During puberty, if there’s an excess release of estrogen hormone from the testicles, it can lead to Gynecomastia. Surgery in kanpur is an option to reduce breast size and address the issue. You can opt for Gynecomastia treatment in kanpur to get the preferred treatment for enlarged breasts in men. This surgical procedure aims to enhance the appearance of oversized breasts in men.


As per the ISAPS Global Statistics 2020, Liposuction stands out as one of the most widely performed cosmetic surgeries on a global scale.


Across the globe, 210,737 surgeries for Gynecomastia have been conducted.


In India, 22,464 surgeries for Male Breast reduction, also known as Man Boobs Surgeries have been performed.


What Are the Grades of Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia is categorized into grades based on the severity of breast tissue enlargement and the presence of excess skin. Here’s a breakdown of the most common grading system:

Gynecomastia Grade -1

Gynecomastia Grade -2

Gynecomastia Grade -3

Gynecomastia Grade 4

Gynecomastia, or enlarged male breasts, can be classified into different grades based on the severity of the condition. Here’s a breakdown of the common grading systems:

Tanner Staging (For Adolescents)

This system is often used to assess the development of male secondary sex characteristics, including breast growth, during puberty.

  • Stage 1: No visible changes.
  • Stage 2: Slight elevation of the nipple.
  • Stage 3: Breast enlargement with a visible nipple mound.
  • Stage 4: Increased breast size with a clear separation between the nipple and areola.
  • Stage 5: Fully developed male breasts with a prominent nipple and areola.

Clinical Grading (For Adults)

This system is based on the size and shape of the enlarged breast tissue.

  • Grade 1 Gynecomastia: Small, barely noticeable breast enlargement.
  • Grade 2 Gynecomastia: Moderate breast enlargement, with the nipple and areola forming a mound.
  • Grade 3 Gynecomastia: Large breast enlargement, with the nipple and areola clearly visible.
  • Grade 4 Gynecomastia: Very large breast enlargement, with significant amounts of breast tissue.

Note: It’s important to consult with a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and to determine the appropriate treatment plan. The grading system can help in assessing the severity of the condition and guiding treatment options.

What is Gynecomastia Treatment ?

Many men might be surprised to learn that enlarged breasts, sometimes referred to as “man boobs,” are a surprisingly common condition. This condition, known medically as gynecomastia, can be a source of embarrassment and affect a man’s self-confidence.

Gynecomastia occurs when there’s an imbalance of hormones in the body, leading to an increase in breast tissue. This can be caused by a variety of factors, including puberty, certain medications, or underlying medical conditions.

The good news is that gynecomastia is often treatable. By understanding the causes and available treatment options, men experiencing this condition can regain their confidence and well-being.

The Gynecomastia Treatment Process​

Gynecomastia Diagnosis


The Gynecomastia surgeon will perform a comprehensive assessment to determine the grade and seriousness of the condition. They will inquire about your medical history and any current medications you are taking. To identify any underlying conditions and decide on appropriate treatment, the surgeon may suggest a series of diagnostic tests:


Testicular ultrasound

CT scans

MRI scans


Blood test

The Process

The doctor will recommend the most appropriate Gynecomastia treatment after reviewing the results of diagnostic testing. In minor conditions, the doctor may advise medication to cure Gynecomastia. Non-surgical treatment, however, would not improve the advanced state of the illness. 


Therefore, the doctor may recommend an advanced treatment known as Gynecomastia surgery- liposuction combined with the gland excision procedure to get rid of enlarged male breasts. In order to remove the accumulated glandular tissues and drain out all the fat, the doctor will create a tiny incision around the areola during the minimally invasive operation. This is a day-care procedure that may last 30-60 minutes, depending on the extent of the Gynecomastia.

Causes of Gynecomastia​

Recent studies on male breasts show that over 80% of cases of Gynecomastia occur due to hormone imbalances in the body. Both men and women have hormones called testosterone and estrogens, which regulate the development and maintenance of sexual characteristics.


Testosterone, known as the male hormone, mainly influences traits like body hair, muscle growth, and other aspects. When estrogen levels in men become too high, it disrupts the balance of testosterone, leading to the development of male breasts (Gynecomastia). Other health conditions that can contribute to this include:

  • Kidney Failure

  • Malnutrition

  • Liver Failure

  • Hypogonadism

  • Tumors Hyperthyroidism

Grades of Gynecomastia ​

Gynecomastia, which involves both fat and glandular tissue, usually can’t be reduced just by exercise and diet. However, combining liposuction with glandular tissue removal can work well to solve the problem. Before getting treatment for Gynecomastia, it’s important to know about its different grades. These grades show how severe the condition is and help decide the best treatment and what results to expect. Knowing the grade helps doctors plan the treatment to meet each person’s needs and achieve the desired look. Understanding the grades also helps people choose the right treatment and understand what to expect. It helps doctors choose the best methods to get the best results while keeping patients safe and satisfied.


Grade 1 Gynecomastia – Nipples appear puffy.

Grade 2 Gynecomastia – Puffy nipples with extra fat.

Grade 3 Gynecomastia – Puffy nipples and extra fat along with enlarged skin.


Grade 4 Gynecomastia – Breasts look like those of females. Exercise and diet may not effectively treat this type of Gynecomastia.


Real Patient Story: Gynecomastia Treatment

Benefits of Gynecomastia Surgery

Boosted self-confidence: Gynecomastia significantly affects a man’s confidence and self-esteem. Some men may develop negative feelings about their bodies, which can affect their personal and professional lives.


Gynecomastia surgery helps restore lost confidence and self-esteem in these men, empowering them to approach life with renewed vigour.


Aiming for a manlier look: Some men feel self-conscious about not seeming masculine enough due to this issue. This can lead to withdrawal and sadness from comments by others. Surgery effectively removes extra breast tissue, resulting in a more balanced chest appearance and sparing men from dealing with the issue of “man boobs”.


Physical activities become easier: Just like women with large breasts often face physical limitations, men with Gynecomastia encounter similar issues. Excess breast tissue can make activities like jumping and running painful or difficult.


Gynecomastia surgery in kanpur can effectively remove these limitations, making physical activities more comfortable and enjoyable.

Less back pain: Men with Gynecomastia frequently experience acute or chronic back pain, which can be alleviated through surgery. The extra weight on the chest changes posture, affecting spinal curvature and causing back pain.

The Cost of Gynecomastia Surgery in Kanpur

The cost of Gynecomastia surgery in kanpur varies depending on the severity of the condition and the type of anaesthesia chosen (local or general). We offer professional services for male breast reduction surgery in kanpur , delivering excellent results at affordable prices.


Gynecomastia Surgery Cost Includes:


Hospital or Surgical Facility Costs

Surgeon’s Fee (according to his qualifications and experience)


Anaesthesia Fees


best gynecomastia surgeon in Kanpur

Dr. Ashish Khare: A Leading Gynecomastia Surgeon in Kanpur

Dr. Ashish Khare is a renowned plastic surgeon specializing in gynecomastia treatment in Kanpur, India. With years of experience and a commitment to excellence, Dr. Khare has established himself as a trusted and skilled professional in the field of cosmetic surgery.

Why Choose Dr. Ashish Khare for Gynecomastia Surgery?

  • Expertise: Dr. Khare possesses extensive knowledge and experience in gynecomastia surgery, ensuring that patients receive the highest quality care.
  • Personalized Approach: He takes the time to understand each patient’s unique needs and goals, tailoring treatment plans accordingly.
  • Advanced Techniques: Dr. Khare utilizes state-of-the-art techniques and technology to achieve optimal results.
  • Compassionate Care: He is known for his compassionate and empathetic approach, making patients feel comfortable and at ease throughout the entire process.
  • Successful Outcomes: Dr. Khare has a proven track record of successful gynecomastia surgeries, with many satisfied patients.

Why Kalosa Clinic in kanpur ?


What Kalosa Offer

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Highly Experienced

Dr. Ashish Khare is a board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience in treating gynecomastia. He has performed over 3,000 gynecomastia surgeries in kanpur , India, making him a highly sought-after specialist in this field.

Advanced Technology

Kalosa Clinic prioritizes patient comfort and satisfaction. The clinic utilizes state-of-the-art technology to minimize scarring and ensure a smoother recovery process. They also provide comprehensive post-operative care to ensure optimal healing and long-lasting results.

Treatment Options

Dr. Khare is skilled in performing gynecomastia surgery using both local and general anesthesia, catering to individual patient preferences and needs. He is also an expert in laser liposuction, a technique that can further refine the chest contour and achieve your desired results.

Proven Expertise

Dr. Khare's extensive experience is a testament to his proficiency. He has successfully treated over 3,000 gynecomastia patients using VASER liposuction, a specialized technique that removes fat gently and precisely. This advanced technology ensures a smoother recovery and a more natural-looking chest contour.


gynecomastia surgery side effects

Gynecomastia surgery, while generally safe, can have potential side effects. These may include:

  • Pain and discomfort: This is common in the days following surgery.
  • Swelling and bruising: These are temporary and should subside over time.
  • Infection: This is rare but can occur after any surgical procedure.
  • Hematoma: This is a collection of blood under the skin.
  • Asymmetrical results: It’s possible for the breasts to be uneven after surgery.
  • Scarring: Scars are typically minimal but may be visible.
  • Numbness: Temporary numbness in the area around the nipple and areola may occur.

Compression Garments for Gynecomastia Surgery

  • Purpose: Compression garments help to reduce swelling, minimize scarring, and support the chest area after gynecomastia surgery.
  • Types: Available in different styles, including vests and compression shirts.
  • Benefits:
    • Reduce swelling and bruising.
    • Promote healing.
    • Improve contour and shape.
    • Increase comfort.
  • Usage: Typically worn for several weeks or months post-surgery, as directed by the surgeon.
  • Customization: May be custom-fitted for optimal results.

Find out Answers About Gynecomastia


Does Gynecomastia surgery pose risks?

Gynecomastia surgery is usually safe, and complications are very rare. You might feel a bit of pain and discomfort while you recover, but it can be eased with medicine. If you’re concerned about safety, talk to one of the Gynecomastia surgeons in kanpur .

What is Pseudogynecomastia?

Pseudogynecomastia is when a guy’s chest collects extra fat behind, around, and under the nipples. Signs include a chest that looks like breasts and fatty tissue under the chest. Sometimes, it goes away by itself, but other times, surgery might be needed to remove the extra tissue.


 Which Gynecomastia treatment is most effective in kanpur ?

According to doctors, Gynecomastia surgery using liposuction is a quick and effective treatment for enlarged breasts, providing immediate and reliable results. Other treatment options for Gynecomastia may take months and don’t always guarantee results. For more information on Gynecomastia treatment, contact Kalosa Clinic in kanpur .


What’s the most effective method for reducing enlarged breasts?

The most effective way to reduce enlarged breasts is through Gynecomastia surgery, also called male breast reduction surgery. This procedure typically combines liposuction and gland excision techniques for optimal results.


How can you recognize Gynecomastia? 

When a man has Gynecomastia, he may feel a firm lump near or around his areola or nipple area. The lump will feel different to the touch and might be painful in some cases. This is the simplest way to identify Gynecomastia.


 Will there be visible scars after Gynecomastia surgery? 

Any scarring after Gynecomastia surgery is usually minimal and tends to fade within 3-6 months. Incisions or excisions are typically made near the areola, so the scars are often not very noticeable.


How likely is it for Gynecomastia to come back after surgery? 

Recurrence of Gynecomastia after surgery is rare because the glandular tissues are entirely removed which prevent breast tissue regrowth. However, there’s still a chance that chest fat may accumulate, leading to a “man boobs” appearance.


Are there medications available for treating Gynecomastia? 

Currently, the FDA has not approved any drugs specifically for Gynecomastia treatment. However, your doctor might suggest hormonal medications, such as those used for testosterone replacement therapy.

What is gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is a condition where men develop enlarged breast tissue.
It can be caused by hormonal imbalances, medications, or underlying medical conditions.

Is gynecomastia surgery painful?

While there may be some discomfort after the surgery, most patients report that the pain is manageable.
Pain medication is usually prescribed to help alleviate discomfort.

Is gynecomastia surgery safe?

Gynecomastia surgery is generally considered safe when performed by a qualified surgeon.
However, like any surgical procedure, there are potential risks such as infection, bleeding, and scarring.

What is gyno in bodybuilding?

“Gyno” is a slang term used in bodybuilding to refer to gynecomastia.
It can be a concern for bodybuilders due to the emphasis on a muscular, defined chest.

Can gynecomastia be treated without surgery?

In some cases, gynecomastia can be treated without surgery, such as through lifestyle changes, medication, or hormone therapy.
However, the effectiveness of these non-surgical approaches can vary depending on the underlying cause and severity of the condition.

What are the recovery expectations after gynecomastia surgery?

Recovery time can vary, but most patients can return to their normal activities within a few weeks.
Swelling and bruising may be present for several days or weeks after surgery.

Is gynecomastia surgery covered by insurance?

Insurance coverage for gynecomastia surgery can vary depending on your insurance provider and the specific circumstances.
It’s important to check with your insurance company to determine your coverage.


Jaspreet Kaur
Jaspreet Kaur
Dr. Ashish Khare is undoubtedly the best cosmetic and plastic surgeon in Gurgaon. I had a head injury with a skull deep cut on my forehead. I was scared that the sutures will leave a lifelong scar. Dr. Khare did the procedure so patiently and kept motivating me positively that there will be a very light scar and I need not worry about it. Its been a while since I got the sutures and the scar is hardly visible. His staff was also very warm and supportive and his clinic is clean and well equipped with all latest amenities. He is definitely your go to person for any plastic or cosmetic surgery. Thankyou once again Dr Khare.
Vijay Arya
Vijay Arya
I was suffering from excess skin over my upper eyelids since a long and I was looking for a option for that. I met Dr. Ashish Khare, he made me comfortable and we planned my blepharoplasty procedure also called as double eyelid surgery, today doctor cut my sutures and im very happy with the results. Thanks Dr Ashish Khare and team Kalosa .
I was suffering from gynaecomastia from a long time. I was searching a lot about whom to consult this. After searching a lot, I came to know about doctor Ashish. In our first meeting, he made me comfortable and told everything about the procedure and cleared all the confusion that I had in my mind. Even after our meeting, I called him so many times and each time he picked up my call and answered all my queries. I finally decided to undergo this surgery. Now, its been a month after the surgery, I am very happy with the results and feel quite confident about my body. Thanks to doctor Ashish and his staff.
Soniya Sharma
Soniya Sharma
I was suffering from small breast since a long time . I wanted a solution for that as I feel very low in self esteem and confidence , I came to know about Dr Ashish Khare at Kalosa Cosmetics . The doctor told me about implant and I underwent breast implant surgery by Dr Ashish . I did not tell anyone about the procedure , the doctor and team took proper care of me during and after the procedure . It was a day care surgery and really painless . My dressing was removed after 48 hrs and I can see the difference . I was really very happy with the results and I truly recommend Dr Ashish Khare and kalosa cosmetics for breast implant surgeries as well as breast reduction surgery . In my opinion Dr Ashish Khare is best plastic surgeon in this field . Really appreciate the doctor .
Kajal Jyani
Kajal Jyani
Was looking for the best breast surgeon in Gurgaon for Breast Implant. Finally, a friend told me about Dr. Khare. I visited him. He told me everything about Breast Implant and before 15 days ago my Breast Implant surgery has been done by him. Thanks Dr. Khare for your service.
Heena Kharod
Heena Kharod
“I do not like my nose and i want a nose job done.” Our adult but also a teenager son sprang a surprise on us. We tried our best to convince him that his nose was close to perfect and he didn’t need any surgery. Besides, the after effects of any surgery would be long lasting and sometimes permanent. But he was insistent since he had done a lot of online research on this topic. He felt that he had lost his confidence as he hated his nose and surgery was the only option to regain his lost confidence.We approached Dr.Khare with this issue and shared our son’s pics with him. After seeing his pics, he acted very maturely and understood that the issue with our son was a psychological one – effect of hardly any face to face interactions with people due to 2.5 years of Corona. He acted more like a psychologist and explained to our son in detail about different types of noses, who went for a surgery and why, clearly highlighting the long term effects of a surgery. He also gave personal tips on how to boost confidence by making new friends, developing new hobbies etc.Many times plastic surgeons have to be psychologists, as certain unnoticeable issues with a person’s face that he/she personally dislike are an offshoot of their mind which doesn’t require any surgery or correction. Many plastic surgeons don’t even bother to talk out a young teenager/adult from surgery as it is a part of their business. But definitely not Dr. Khare.After one meeting with him, our son was convinced that he did not need a surgery. Had he been a totally money minded surgeon, he would have convinced our son otherwise.Can’t comment on Dr. Khare's surgical competences ( am sure he would be good at that too ) as have not experienced it, but highly recommend him for his understanding levels and maturity.
Suhail Mustafa
Suhail Mustafa
Dr. Ashish is one of the few doctors that actually specializes in getting rid of gynecomastia. I had my surgery 3 weeks ago and can say I have never felt so much relief... Even w/ some swelling, my chest looks 100% better. Thanks to Dr. Ashish and his staff!

Author & Review

Dr. Ashish Khare, a board-certified plastic and cosmetic surgeon, brings over 10 years of expertise to Kalosa Hair Transplant & Cosmetic Clinic in Gurgaon. Established for more than 15 years, the clinic has become a trusted destination for patients seeking high-quality, affordable cosmetic procedures.


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